I have had a hard time with the blogs lately. You can read all about it here if you wish. To help me keep my sanity, and to help you have more time to complete the challenges, I’m making changes at the TIMC and TIMC-LDS. You can read about the TIMC changes here. And I’m going to be making a few changes on the TIMC—LDS too.
The weekly challenges will be no more. Instead, challenges will come out the second and third WEDNESDAY of each month. Thursdays are hard for me with getting my son to preschool, so it’s going to change to Wednesdays. This will make it so if you are doing challenges on both blogs, you’ll only have one a week instead of two a week. If you’re only doing the LDS challenges, then you’ll have two challenges a month. I don’t want you getting overwhelmed to the point where you just give up and don’t do any of the challenges because you don’t have time. The point of the blogs is to HELP YOU, not make you feel guilty.
So with that being said, there will be no challenge this week. Next challenge will be up on the 8th of February.
Also, I’m looking for one or two Team Members for the TIMC—LDS, just like I have on the regular TIMC. That way there will be at least two different ideas of how others could go about completing their challenges. I would give you your challenge topic 2-3 weeks in advance, and then you would need to email me your completed challenge to share on the blog. It’s a great accountability/excuse to make sure you do get your challenges done! You can complete them any way you choose (writing, pictures, scrapbook layout, video, craft, blog entry, etc.). If you’re interested, please email me: emils24(at)gmail(dot)com.